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CEITEC director will be a speaker at the EC National Event

CEITEC director will be a speaker at the EC National Event

On 3 March 2016, the European Commission, and member of the Commission’s Joint Research Council will visit the Czech Republic. This National Event on "The Synergies with Research and Innnovation Funds: Stairway to Excellence" organized by the EC and the Government Office of the Czech Republic, examine the innovation ecosystem within the country and identify obstacles and the potentials for success.

The outputs will include a document identifying follow-up action to enhance the potential synergies between EU funds in the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy.

"These national events will take place in all new member states (EU13). This is a unique setting, as stackholders from the Czech academia, government, and business will have the opportunity to discuss these issues in active round table sessions, to help define pathways for successful implementation of research and innovation excellence," says Markus Dettenhofer.

Markus Dettenhofer will be a speaker at the event in Prague, and was an invited speaker and session leader in a similar event in Bratislava, Slovakia in June 2015, with lead to the Slovak National follow-up actions.

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