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Public Tenders

Title and subject-matter of contract Estimated Value in CZK (excl. VAT) Deadline for receipt of the tenders
Dosing system for continuous synthesis for CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract:
90 000,- 26. 10. 2015 10:00
AV technology for CEITEC buildings
Subject of the Contract:
3 300 000,- 26. 10. 2015 10:00
CEITEC - Elektroporátor
Subject of the Contract:
203 000,- 21. 10. 2015 13:00
Vakuové pumpy pro CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract:
60 000,- 19. 10. 2015 13:00
Laminar boxes and PCR for CEITEC MU - Part 2
Subject of the Contract:
213 000,- 19. 10. 2015 11:00
Thermocouples and wires designed for vacuum apparatus
Subject of the Contract:
120 000,- 19. 10. 2015 10:30
Consumables and protective equipment in chemical laboratories
Subject of the Contract:
3 100 000,- 19. 10. 2015 10:00
Incubators for CEITEC MU II.
Subject of the Contract:
75 000,- 19. 10. 2015 10:00
Flow cytometer analyzer CEITEC II
Subject of the Contract:
1 243 000,- 16. 10. 2015 14:00
Shakers for CEITEC II.
Subject of the Contract:
186 800,- 16. 10. 2015 10:00
Computer equipment for the project CEITEC MU II. - Part 4
Subject of the Contract:
272 000,- 15. 10. 2015 10:00
CEITEC - Microscope microbiological fluorescent II
Subject of the Contract:
500 000,- 14. 10. 2015 14:00
Equipment for filling chromatographic columns for CEITEC MU (repeat)
Subject of the Contract:
70 000,- 13. 10. 2015 10:00
Agitators for MU
Subject of the Contract:
75 400,- 12. 10. 2015 13:00
Autoclaves for CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract:
65 000,- 12. 10. 2015 10:00
Subject of the Contract:
125 000,- 9. 10. 2015 13:00
Orientation system of CEITEC BUT buildings
Subject of the Contract:
1 000 000,- 8. 10. 2015 10:00
Freezing and cooling equipment for CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract:
420 000,- 7. 10. 2015 10:00
MR kompatibilní transkraniální stimulátor stejnosměrným/střídavým proudem pro CEITEC MU/MR compatible Transcranial Direct/Alternating Current Stimulator for CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract:
350 000,- 6. 10. 2015 13:00
Computing station for numerical calculations and modeling for CEITEC MU (repeat)
Subject of the Contract:
125 000,- 5. 10. 2015 13:00
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