Title and subject-matter of contract | Estimated Value in CZK (excl. VAT) | Deadline for receipt of the tenders |
Dragon academic permanent license Subject of the Contract: |
neuvedeno |
Stolek pro TEM mřížky pro CryoFib ZP44022 Subject of the Contract: |
neuvedeno |
Sterilní PCR boxy Subject of the Contract: |
96 000,- |
Dokumentační systém elektroforézy Subject of the Contract: |
200 000,- |
Systém pro hydrofilizaci EM mřížek a uhlíkovou vrstvou Subject of the Contract: |
180 000,- |
Automatický dokumentační systém Subject of the Contract: |
166 000,- |
Preparační mikroskop pro CEITEC MU Subject of the Contract: |
82 000,- |
Kryopřepravníky proteinových krystalů s příslušenstvím Subject of the Contract: |
180 000,- |
Cell counter Subject of the Contract: |
100 000,- |
Framework agreement for the supply of personal computers Subject of the Contract: |
7 000 000,- |
External audits of newly accepted projects OP EC and OP RDI for BUT Subject of the Contract: |
14 000,- |
Výrobník ledové tříště Subject of the Contract: |
60 000,- |
TURBOMOLE Subject of the Contract: |
120 000,- |
Svářečka plastových fólií na mikrodestičky Subject of the Contract: |
130 000,- |
Software pro návrh plošných spojů včetně embedded aplikací pro programovatelnou logiku Subject of the Contract: |
165 000,- |
Výrobník ultračisté vody Subject of the Contract: |
115 000,- |
Software Materials Studio Subject of the Contract: |
400 000,- |
SCHRODINGER suite Subject of the Contract: |
760 000,- |
ADF molecular modeling suite Subject of the Contract: |
521 000,- |
Delivery of SPR biosensor system for characterization of biomolecular affinity properties for CEITEC MU
Subject of the Contract: |
10 800 000,- |
29. ledna 2018 9:46
LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
25. ledna 2018 18:21
WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…