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The scientist Karel Říha from CEITEC has received a prestigious EMBO Installation Grant 2013

Karel Říha has received an EMBO Installation Grant and is the only Czech scientist to have done so in 2013. EMBO – the European Molecular Biology Organization gives grants once a year and this year has awarded it to six scientists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and Turkey. The EMBO Installation Grant enables the successful researchers to establish their own research group in the country of their origin. 

The EMBO Installation Grant is awarded annually in order to strengthen science in selected member states. „EMBO installation grants are a direct support to young talented scientists who are returning back to their country in order to set up their own laboratories there. As a result these grants contribute to averting the negative trend of brain drain from the countries working actively on the development of basic science,” statedGerlind Wallon, EMBO Deputy Director.

The awarded scientists will receive the amount of 50 000 EUR a year from their host countries for a period of three to five years. It will make it easier for them to set up their own research groups and establish themselves in the given scientific community. The six grant awardees will become members of a prestigious network of EMBO Young Researchers, which will also help them to integrate better into the European scientific community with their new laboratories. Since the establishment of the programme in 2006 a total of 64 researchers have received the EMBO Installation grant.

Karel Říha graduated from genetics and molecular biology at Masaryk University in Brno, where he also received the title of Ph.D. He drew up the doctoral project at the Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic under the leadership of Prof. Boris Vyskot. In 1999-2002 he worked as a postdoc at Texas A&M University, USA. He then accepted the offer to co-participate in the setting up of a newly created Gregor Mendel Institute focused on plant research in Vienna Biocentre, where he also acts as a Research group leader and in 2008-2011 he achieved the position of Deputy Director there. Since July 2013 he has also been working in CEITEC – the Central European Institute of Technology in Brno. Karel Říha studies genome stability, meiosis and mechanisms of gene expression. He is the author of over 30 publications in renowned scientific journals such as Genes & Development, EMBO J., Molecular Cell, PNAS or Science.

EMBO – European Molecular Biology Organization

EMBO stands for excellence in the life sciences. The organization enables excellence in science by supporting talented researchers, stimulating the exchange of scientists and determining the policy for the world´s best in a European research environment. EMBO has 1500 members ranging from leading researchers in the field of life sciences and supports new generations of researchers to produce global results. EMBO helps its scientists to make progress in research, promotes their international reputation and ensures their mobility. Courses, workshops, conferences and scientific journals disseminate the latest research and offer training in the latest techniques to maintain high standards of excellence in research practice. More information can be found HERE.

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