Terezie Mandáková works in the Plant Cytogenomics research group of doc. Martin Lysák, which operates within the Central European Institute of Technology CEITEC. She graduated in the biology doctoral studies programme focused on general and molecular genetics at the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University. The talented scientist has achieved extraordinary scientific results in the field of the evolution of plant chromosomes and genomes. She is close to being alone in the world in using the unique method of chromosome painting in plants in her studies, which enables us to compare genome structures of various species.
The scientific results of Terezie Mandáková are extraordinary on a global scale. During her doctoral studies she published a number of pieces of work in top scientific journals as the first author, e. g. three times in The Plant Cell, New Phytologist and others. She has also participated as an author in three articles published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals - Nature Genetics.
The award for students in bachelor's, master's or doctoral programmes is awarded by the minister for extraordinary results in studies and scientific, research, developmental, artistic or other creative activities. The history of the award dates back to 1999. The proposals for the awards are submitted to the minister by rectors of universities. Apart from a certificate, they also receive a reward of 12 thousand crowns.