CEITEC will travel to Kiev, Ukraine to present our latest activities and deliver stat-of-the-art scientific talks. The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has invited Markus Dettenhofer, Pavel Plevka, and Dalibor Blazek from CEITEC to visit the Biological Institute and the Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems on 20 May, 2016. This will be an opportunity to share our science, establish collaborations, and introduce PhD students and Post-doctoral fellows from Kiev to CEITEC.
29. ledna 2018 9:46
LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
25. ledna 2018 18:21
WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…