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Petr Neugebauer returns to Brno with a scientific grant of EUR 2 mil

Petr Neugebauer returns to Brno with a scientific grant of EUR 2 mil

At the CEITEC BUT in Brno, another ERC grant, one of the most prestigious grants awarded by the European Commission, will be resolved in January. Petr Neugebauer, with a support of EUR 2 million, will develop a revolutionary method of paramagnetic resonance, which would mean a significant shift in a wide range of disciplines such as physics, chemistry or medicine.

At the CEITEC BUT in Brno, another ERC grant, one of the most prestigious grants awarded by the European Commission, will be resolved in January. Petr Neugebauer, with a support of EUR 2 million, will develop a revolutionary method of paramagnetic resonance, which would mean a significant shift in a wide range of disciplines such as physics, chemistry or medicine.

"Let's imagine that it would be possible, that the patient was completely scanned and the doctor knew his diagnosis in advance before he enters surgery room," describes the possible future consequences of the developed method Petr Neugebauer, who studied Brno University of Technology. He is currently working at the University of Stuttgart, but he is already building a new laboratory facility at CEITEC BUT for his research, which will begin on January 1, 2018.

Neugebauer wants to build on the Brno history of nuclear magnetic resonance research and its pioneer Josef Dadok. Neugebauer´s idea, it is revolutionary that paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy has been totally reversed: "My developed technique should work on the contrary, in a constant magnetic field with a rapid change of frequency, which in addition to the received spectra will allow  to discover the relaxation times of different materials. In the initial phase, therefore, I have to prove the functioning of this technique compared to conventional methods, and on the basis of its confirmation, we will be setting up with my team a totally revolutionary spectrometer that moves knowledge beyond what the methods used are and will be able to do ", specifies his intention Peter Neugebauer, who succeeded in the ERC Starting Grants category for the first time.

The fourth ERC grant will therefore be dealt with at the CEITEC research center in Brno. In addition to Petr Neugebauer, Vojtěch Adam will be launched at the beginning of the year, focusing on the more efficient treatment of cancer. Two more are in solution at CEITEC MU.

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