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Prof. Tomáš Šikola

Research Program Coordinator
Prof. Tomáš Šikola
Phone: +420 54114 2707
Research Group: Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanostructures - Tomáš Šikola
Central European Institute of Technology
Researcher ID


  • BABOCKY, J; KRIZOVA, A; STRBKOVA, L; KEJIK, L; LIGMAJER, F; HRTON, M; DVORAK, P; TYC, M; COLLAKOVA, J; KRAPEK, V; KALOUSEK, R; CHMELIK, R; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Quantitative 3D Phase Imaging of Plasmonic Metasurfaces. ACS PHOTONICS 4 (6), p. 1389 - 1397.
  • CECHAL, J; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Flexible foils formed by a prolonged electron beam irradiation in scanning electron microscope. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 423 , p. 538 - 541.
  • DVORAK, P; EDES, Z; KVAPIL, M; SAMORIL, T; LIGMAJER, F; HRTON, M; KALOUSEK, R; KRAPEK, V; DUB, P; SPOUSTA, J; VARGA, P; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Imaging of near-field interference patterns by aperture-type SNOM - influence of illumination wavelength and polarization state. OPTICS EXPRESS 25 (14), p. 16560 - 16573.
  • HRTON, M; KRAPEK, V; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Boundary element method for 2D materials and thin films. OPTICS EXPRESS 25 (20), p. 23709 - 23724.
  • KALOUSEK, R; SPOUSTA, J; ZLAMAL, J; DUB, P; SIKOLA, T; SHEN, ZJ; SALAMON, D; MACA, K, 2017:Rapid heating of zirconia nanoparticle-powder compacts by infrared radiation heat transfer. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 37 (3), p. 1067 - 1072.
  • PROCHAZKA, P; MARECEK, D; LISKOVA, Z; CECHAL, J; SIKOLA, T, 2017:X-ray induced electrostatic graphene doping via defect charging in gate dielectric. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7


  • ELBADAWI, C; TRAN, TT; KOLIBAL, M; SIKOLA, T; SCOTT, J; CAI, QR; LI, LH; TANIGUCHI, T; WATANABE, K; TOTH, M; AHARONOVICH, I; LOBO, C, 2016:Electron beam directed etching of hexagonal boron nitride. NANOSCALE 8 (36), p. 16182 - 16186.
  • GABLECH, I; SVATOS, V; CAHA, O; HRABOVSKY, M; PRASEK, J; HUBALEK, J; SIKOLA, T, 2016:Preparation of (001) preferentially oriented titanium thin films by ion-beam sputtering deposition on thermal silicon dioxide. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 51 (7), p. 3329 - 3336.
  • KOLIBAL, M; NOVAK, L; SHANLEY, T; TOTH, M; SIKOLA, T, 2016:Silicon oxide nanowire growth mechanisms revealed by real-time electron microscopy. NANOSCALE 8 (1), p. 266 - 275.
  • KOLIBAL, M; PEJCHAL, T; VYSTAVEL, T; SIKOLA, T, 2016:The Synergic Effect of Atomic Hydrogen Adsorption and Catalyst Spreading on Ge Nanowire Growth Orientation and Kinking. NANO LETTERS 16 (8), p. 4880 - 4886.
  • SIMSIKOVA, M; BARTOS, M; CECHAL, J; SIKOLA, T, 2016:Decolorization of organic dyes by gold nanoflowers prepared on reduced graphene oxide by tea polyphenols. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 6 (9), p. 3008 - 3017.


  • KRAPEK, V; KOH, AL; BRINEK, L; HRTON, M; TOMANEC, O; KALOUSEK, R; MAIER, SA; SIKOLA, T, 2015:Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy of crescent-shaped plasmonic antennas. OPTICS EXPRESS 23 (9), p. 11855 - 11867.
  • URBANEK, M; UHLIR, V; LAMBERT, CH; KAN, JJ; EIBAGI, N; VANATKA, M; FLAJSMAN, L; KALOUSEK, R; IM, MY; FISCHER, P; SIKOLA, T; FULLERTON, EE, 2015:Dynamics and efficiency of magnetic vortex circulation reversal. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91 (9)


  • CECHAL, J; POLCAK, J; SIKOLA, T, 2014:Detachment Limited Kinetics of Gold Diffusion through Ultrathin Oxide Layers. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 118 (31), p. 17549 - 17555.
  • KOLIBAL, M; VYSTAVEL, T; VARGA, P; SIKOLA, T, 2014:Real-Time Observation of Collector Droplet Oscillations during Growth of Straight Nanowires. NANO LETTERS 14 (4), p. 1756 - 1761.
  • PROCHAZKA, P; MACH, J; BISCHOFF, D; LISKOVA, Z; DVORAK, P; VANATKA, M; SIMONET, P; VARLET, A; HEMZAL, D; PETRENEC, M; KALINA, L; BARTOSIK, M; ENSSLIN, K; VARGA, P; CECHAL, J; SIKOLA, T, 2014:Ultrasmooth metallic foils for growth of high quality graphene by chemical vapor deposition. NANOTECHNOLOGY 25 (18)
  • SIMSIKOVA, M; CECHAL, J; ZORKOVSKA, A; ANTALIK, M; SIKOLA, T, 2014:CuO/ZnO nanocomposite for colorimetric detection of cysteine. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 19 , p. S877 - S878.


  • DVORAK, P; NEUMAN, T; BRINEK, L; SAMORIL, T; KALOUSEK, R; DUB, P; VARGA, P; SIKOLA, T, 2013:Control and Near-Field Detection of Surface Plasmon Interference Patterns. NANO LETTERS 13 (6), p. 2558 - 2563.
  • UHLIR, V; URBANEK, M; HLADIK, L; SPOUSTA, J; IM, MY; FISCHER, P; EIBAGI, N; KAN, JJ; FULLERTON, EE; SIKOLA, T, 2013:Dynamic switching of the spin circulation in tapered magnetic nanodisks. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 8 (5), p. 341 - 346.


  • KALOUSEK, R; DUB, P; BRINEK, L; SIKOLA, T, 2012:Response of plasmonic resonant nanorods: an analytical approach to optical antennas. OPTICS EXPRESS 20 (16), p. 17916 - 17927.
  • KOLIBAL, M; KALOUSEK, R; VYSTAVEL, T; NOVAK, L; SIKOLA, T, 2012:Controlled faceting in < 110 > germanium nanowire growth by switching between vapor-liquid-solid and vapor-solid-solid growth. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100 (20)
  • KOLIBAL, M; KONECNY, M; LIGMAJER, F; SKODA, D; VYSTAVEL, T; ZLAMAL, J; VARGA, P; SIKOLA, T, 2012:Guided Assembly of Gold Colloidal Nanoparticles on Silicon Substrates Prepatterned by Charged Particle Beams. ACS NANO 6 (11), p. 10098 - 10106.


  • KOLIBAL, M; VYSTAVEL, T; NOVAK, L; MACH, J; SIKOLA, T, 2011:In-situ observation of < 110 > oriented Ge nanowire growth and associated collector droplet behavior. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 99 (14)


  • KOH, AL; TOMANEC, O; URBANEK, M; SIKOLA, T; MAIER, SA; MCCOMB, DW, 2010:HRTEM and EELS of nanoantenna structures fabricated using focused ion beam techniques. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND ANALYSIS GROUP CONFERENCE 2009 (EMAG 2009) 241
  • URBANEK, M; UHLIR, V; BABOR, P; KOLIBALOVA, E; HRNCIR, T; SPOUSTA, J; SIKOLA, T, 2010:Focused ion beam fabrication of spintronic nanostructures: an optimization of the milling process. NANOTECHNOLOGY 21 (14)
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