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Science Support Office

The Science Support Office provides comprehensive support to the main activities of CEITEC VUT and supports its core business and mission. Within the scope of the Science Support Office are activities related to the scientific activities and the development of fundamental scientific projects and their coordination; grant searching and other funding opportunities methodological management of vocational counseling support in the preparation and implementation of projects; management of intellectual property protection; activities to promote regional development; preparation of contract research and development; methodological assistance in cooperation with industry; the commercialisation of scientific and research outputs of the Institute; cooperation with the media; PR; activities in the areas of sponsoring and fundraising; the international mobility of scientific and research staff and students--the planning and implementation of trips, internships, conferences, visits of foreign scientists in the STI, the coordination of the participation of workers in the Institute's study programs at VUT and other universities, the methodological management and coordination of the preparation of documents for the accreditation of study programs both internal and Inter-university and solutions for all kinds of study issues.

The Science Support Office is comprised of the following departments:

  • Grant Office
  • Intenational Office
  • Study Department

    Pavel Krečmer

    Manager for External Relations and Science Support
    Phone: +420 54114 9638
    Mobile: +420 730 161 232

    Petra Jedličková

    Administrative Support
    Phone: +420 54114 9635

    Craig Binding

    Project support office - english editor


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