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Vlastimil Křápek, Ph.D.

Junior Researcher
Phone: +420 54114 2810
Research Group: Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanostructures - Tomáš Šikola


  • BABOCKY, J; KRIZOVA, A; STRBKOVA, L; KEJIK, L; LIGMAJER, F; HRTON, M; DVORAK, P; TYC, M; COLLAKOVA, J; KRAPEK, V; KALOUSEK, R; CHMELIK, R; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Quantitative 3D Phase Imaging of Plasmonic Metasurfaces. ACS PHOTONICS 4 (6), p. 1389 - 1397.
  • DVORAK, P; EDES, Z; KVAPIL, M; SAMORIL, T; LIGMAJER, F; HRTON, M; KALOUSEK, R; KRAPEK, V; DUB, P; SPOUSTA, J; VARGA, P; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Imaging of near-field interference patterns by aperture-type SNOM - influence of illumination wavelength and polarization state. OPTICS EXPRESS 25 (14), p. 16560 - 16573.
  • HRTON, M; KRAPEK, V; SIKOLA, T, 2017:Boundary element method for 2D materials and thin films. OPTICS EXPRESS 25 (20), p. 23709 - 23724.


  • KRAPEK, V; KOH, AL; BRINEK, L; HRTON, M; TOMANEC, O; KALOUSEK, R; MAIER, SA; SIKOLA, T, 2015:Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy of crescent-shaped plasmonic antennas. OPTICS EXPRESS 23 (9), p. 11855 - 11867.


  • KUNES, J; KRAPEK, V, 2013:Disproportionation and Metallization at Low-Spin to High-Spin Transition in Multiorbital Mott Systems (vol 106, 256401, 2011). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110 (1)
  • PLUMHOF, JD; TROTTA, R; KRAPEK, V; ZALLO, E; ATKINSON, P; KUMAR, S; RASTELLI, A; SCHMIDT, OG, 2013:Tuning of the valence band mixing of excitons confined in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots via piezoelectric-induced anisotropic strain. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87 (7)


  • KRAPEK, V; NOVAK, P; KUNES, J; NOVOSELOV, D; KOROTIN, DM; ANISIMOV, VI, 2012:Spin state transition and covalent bonding in LaCoO3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86 (19)
  • KUNES, J; KRAPEK, V; PARRAGH, N; SANGIOVANNI, G; TOSCHI, A; KOZHEVNIKOV, AV, 2012:Spin State of Negative Charge-Transfer Material SrCoO3. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109 (11)


  • KUNES, J; KRAPEK, V, 2011:Disproportionation and Metallization at Low-Spin to High-Spin Transition in Multiorbital Mott Systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106 (25)


  • KLENOVSKY, P; KRAPEK, V; MUNZAR, D; HUMLICEK, J, 2010:Electronic structure of InAs quantum dots with GaAsSb strain reducing layer: Localization of holes and its effect on the optical properties. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97 (20)
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně - CEITEC VUT Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 00, building A5, office A5/209
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