List of events can be found HERE.
List of events can be found HERE.
The most sophisticated microscopy methods of biomolecular interaction and structure analyses were introduced to young researchers and students in the former home of the father of genetics Johan Gregor Mendel – Mendel Museum in the centre of Brno, Czech Republic, during public lectures. Methods were introduced by Michael Stone from the University of California Santa Cruz, one of leading scientists in the field of single molecule FRET microscopy. Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy was presented by Mark Hink from the University of Amsterdam, an internationally recognized lecturer and expert in microscopic analysis of biomolecular interactions. .
› moreA team of David Salamon from the CEITEC centre at the Brno University of Technology (BUT) has been developing for four years the new materials thanks to which bullet-proof vests will be much lighter and resistant to shots.
› moreBRNO, November, 13 – Highly original, visionary, essential for society's needs and development. These are the conditions which must be met by the project submitted to the prestigious Future Emerging Technology (FET) research project category. The team from CEITEC BUT in this category, with 2 to 3percent chance of success, they not only succeeded, but also for the first time in Czech history will be its coordinators. With budget 2.89 mil. EUR it will focus on the unique innovation of electron paramagnetic resonance.
› moreThe Second annual Day of National Research Infrastructures took place this year at CEITEC Masaryk University.
› moreStress in pregnancy may lead to more susceptibility of children to depression, Klára Marečková from CEITEC Masaryk University discovered.
› moreIn some instances, drug-resistant epilepsy can be treated surgically. This requires precise identification of seizure onset zone, so that the surgery is effective and surrounding brain structures are left intact. Localisation is often done using electrophysiological data (widely known as EEG) from electrodes placed on the head surface and for better resolution, even implanted deeply into the brain - a method called stereo-EEG, which records activity in the deep brain structures.
› moreSnaha prakticky využít nanočástice v biosenzorech je typická pro projekty, kterými se zabývá výzkumná skupina Petra Skládala z CEITECu MU. Publikovali k tématu studii v žurnálu Chemical Reviews.
› more
Press release, Brno, 10th October 2017
Scientists from CEITEC Masaryk University (MU) studied how the cell recognises the end of the genes during transcription of genetic information. The scientists have discovered what is the structure of the molecules responsible for finding the right end of the genes. Thanks to this discovery, they can better understand the functioning of the transcription of the genetic information as well as the influence of this process on e.g. the development of some diseases. Their findings have been just published in a prestigious PNAS magazine. The research is a part of a prestigious grant of the European Research Committee (ERC) received by Richard Štefl two years ago.
Ivan Rektor was awarded with the title Ambassador for Epilepsy, the highest award of the International League Against Epilepsy.
› moreCanadian Ambassador Barbara C. Richardson met representatives of CEITEC MU management on the occasion of her first official visit to Brno on 19th October
› more29. ledna 2018 9:46
LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
25. ledna 2018 18:21
WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…