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Prof. Radimír Vrba

Director of CEITEC BUT
Prof. Radimír Vrba
Phone: +420 54114 9696
Research Group: Cybernetics in Material Science - Pavel Václavek
Central European Institute of Technology

Researcher ID


  • KUDR, J; ZITKA, O; KLIMANEK, M; VRBA, R; ADAM, V, 2017:Microfluidic electrochemical devices for pollution analysis-A review. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 246 , p. 578 - 590.


  • HYNEK, D; KREJCOVA, L; SOCHOR, J; CERNEI, N; KYNICKY, J; ADAM, V; TRNKOVA, L; HUBALEK, J; VRBA, R; KIZEK, R, 2012:Study of Interactions between Cysteine and Cadmium(II) Ions using Automatic Pipetting System off-line Coupled with Electrochemical Analyser Dedicated United Nation Environment Program: Lead and Cadmium Initiatives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 7 (3), p. 1802 - 1819.
  • KREMPLOVA, M; KREJCOVA, L; HYNEK, D; BARATH, P; MAJZLIK, P; HORAK, V; ADAM, V; SOCHOR, J; CERNEI, N; HUBALEK, J; VRBA, R; KIZEK, R, 2012:Automated Electrochemical Detection of Iron Ions in Erythrocytes from MeLiM Minipigs Suffering from Melanoma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 7 (7), p. 5893 - 5909.
  • management and coordination of organizational units
  • communication with CEITEC CMS and project partners
  • personnel management of organizational unit
Office 1:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně - CEITEC VUT Purkyňova 123, Brno, 612 00, building S, office S2.13
Office 2:
Masarykova univerzita
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