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CEITEC Brno University of Technology


Brno University of Technology
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology

Purkynova 656/123, 612 00 Brno

E-mail: info(at) IČ: 00216305
Phone: +420 541 146 130,
+420 541 146 161
DIČ: CZ00216305
ID box: yb9j9by    

Researcher ID

Prof. Radimír Vrba

Director of CEITEC BUT
  • management and coordination of organizational units
  • communication with CEITEC CMS and project partners
  • personnel management of organizational unit
Phone: +420 54114 9696


Researcher ID

Prof. Tomáš Šikola

Research Program Coordinator
Phone: +420 54114 2707

More contacts for Research Group Leaders form the Research Programme Advanced Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies you can get HERE

Researcher ID

Prof. Josef Jančář

Research Program Coordinator
Phone: +420 54114 9898, +420 54114 9310

More contacts for Research Group Leaders from the Research Programme Advanced Materials you can get HERE

Jan Nedvěd

Secretary Of Institute, Financial Manager
  • secretary of institute 
  • financial management of the institute and projects
  • coordination of project operatives
  • coordination of the preparation of monitoring reports
  • process operative
Phone: +420 54114 9666, +420 54114 6130, +420 605 232 043
Mobile: +420 605 232 043

More contacts for Administrative Office you will find HERE

Pavel Krečmer

Manager for External Relations and Science Support
Phone: +420 54114 9638
Mobile: +420 730 161 232

More contacts for Scientific Support Department you will find HERE


More contacts for Centre of Laboratories you will finde HERE.


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Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications

29. ledna 2018 9:46

Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical…

LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series 2018: Dr Andriy Marko

25. ledna 2018 18:21

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series 2018: Dr Andriy…

WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…