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Evaluation At Brno University of Technology (BUT)

Every two years, experts from leading international scientific institutions carry out a "Scientific Evaluation" of the results of the scientific work of the scientists of CEITEC BUT. They focus on the results of the work of more than 200 scientists in 16 research groups, included in the research programmes, Advanced nanotechnology and microtechnology and Advanced materials.

Even though CEITEC BUT is just at the beginning, there is definitely no reason to be modest about the results the groups of achieved so far. Most of the research groups regularly achieve the best grades, corresponding to world-class levels in their given fields."The evaluated levels, which the scientific workers of CEITEC BUT have achieved from leading international experts corresponds to the genuinely high quality choice of teams and following the leading trends in methods of work and cooperation", Radimir Vrba commented on the results (Director of CEITEC BUT).

The evaluation system breaks down into three parts. First of all the results of the scientific work are evaluated, the quality of published work, cooperation with the commercial sector and success in obtaining international grants. In the second part, individual research groups are compared with comparable leading teams in their fields at prestigious research institutes - teams at CEITEC BUT are specifically compared with London's Imperial College and Vienna's Austrian Institute of Technology.

Wolfgang Knoll AIT

Wolfgang Knoll, Austrian Institute of Technology

In the third part personal interviews are conducted with the scientists by the evaluators.

An important outcome of the evaluation is not just the evaluation result achieved, but more so the motivational recommendations for the future; the setting of new directions; and clear explanations as to why a given group received the evaluation that it did.

Evaluation of the type and to the extent described, genuinely has no comparison in the Czech Republic at the moment.

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